Got my knitting mojo back!

With just hours to spare I have managed to knit a pair of socks in March, the most knitting I’ve done this year I think. These socks have been a running joke at my knitting group meetings as I cast on the first one in December and didn’t finish it until three days ago. Every meeting I was working on the same sock, just a centimetre or two was done at meetings and nothing in between. But finally last week I turned the heel and this seemed to be the key to getting my knitting mojo back. I finished the rest of the sock in two days and then knitted its whole matching sock in just three days.

These are another pair of Glover socks from the terrific Pom Pom book, Ready Set Socks. Pom Pom are very sadly closing down so if you don’t have this book yet, best get it quickly before it’s out of print! I made a pair of these same socks last year with these same yarns, both Wren & Ollie sock yarns I bought at Maker Maker. The earlier pair were a green body with pink cuff and toe colour pops and this pair has the colours reversed. I’ve made these in the second size again but have shortened them from the previous version and they fit very nicely across the toes now. I still have a small amount of each yarn remaining that I could use as contrast in other socks in future. The yarn is beautifully soft but strong and the pattern makes a lovely textured rib across the top of the foot and around the leg. I really like this pattern!

March was a very quiet month for me on the craft front, I didn’t finish any sewing projects at all and only this project with yarn but I did buy a house and get very busy tidying up in preparation for moving. I also did a binding course that will help me finish off that patchwork quilt that I started in February, once I get my sewing room setup in my new house. Looking forward to many more projects now!